The infamous Timebomb Trading Inc once a year warehouse sale is taking place once again!
Brand new everything, but we need to clear exclusives, samples, one offs, broke size runs and product that is not in full size runs (that we can't sell to our retail shops). Everything must go!
Shoes, accessories, clothing, streetwear, skateboard/snowboard product, footwear, urban, lifestyle, tee shirts, hats, bags, denim, hoodys, eyewear, goggles and much more.
This is a once a year sale and for a full representation of our brands, please support our retail shops.
See the brands at www.timebombtrading.com
3rd Floor (enter through loading bay side door)
-park in vistors parking only
-cash only
FRI, NOV.20 -11am-6pm
SAT, NOV.21- 11am-6pm
SUN, NOV.22- 11am-6pm
MON, NOV.23- closed to re-stock
TUE, NOV.24- closed to re-stock
WED, NOV.25- 11am-6pm
THURS, NOV.26 11am-6pm
FRI, NOV.27 -11am-6pm
SAT, NOV.28- 11am-6pm
SUN, NOV.29 11am-6pm